Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why merit badges for grown-ups?

Well, why not?

Some of us, for whatever reason, didn't get to do the Scouting thing as a child. And due to a lack of spare children about we can't really join up at the moment. Besides, making your kids do something because you want to do it isn't fair.

In addition the two systems we're looking at are problematic. The Boy Scouts are openly homophobic, which is not acceptable in our family. In addition they don't accept Atheists. The Farmgirl Sisterhood is highly commercialized, has extremely low standards in several areas, and doesn't take certain family issues into account.

But at the same time the point is to set a standard by which you will know that you have reached a certain level of mastery, and then reach that standard. It's all about personal growth and fun.

So this blog is going to be about what standards we're setting for our family merit badges, and a record of our reaching our goals.

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