Saturday, April 14, 2012

Food preservation

The BSA doesn't really cover this one. And the closest Farmgirl Sisterhood entry, Farm Kitchen: Self-sufficiency, is too commercial (I shouldn't have to buy her book to complete it), too unspecific (Learn how to pickle veggies, does that mean I have to try it or just read about it?) and too simplistic (Dry herbs, dry fruit, and make spaghetti sauce, that's it?)

So I am modifying the food preservation guidelines from our county fair exhibitors handbook.
Process one lot from each class. Processing- must be according to recognized food preservation method & accredited recipe source, such as OSU Extension instruction booklets, Ball Blue Book, Kerr Canning Book, or any current edition of food preservation publications.

Class 02: Vegetable
01. Asparagus 07. Corn
02. Green Beans 08. Greens
03. Wax Beans 09. Okra
04. Shelled Beans 10. Tomatoes
05. Beets 11. Mixed
06. Carrots 12. Other

Class 03: Fruits
01. Apples 08. Peaches
02. Apricots 09. Pears
03. Blackberries 10. Pineapple
04. Any Berries 11. Plums
05. Maraschino Cherries 12. Rhubarb
06. Cherries 13. Strawberry
07. Grapes 14. Other

Class 06: Fruit Butters
01. Apple 04. Pear
02. Apricot 05. Strawberry
03. Peach 06. Other

Class 07: Jellies
01. Apple 06. Mint
02. Berry 07. Pepper
03. Cranberry 08. Plum
04. Current 09. Sugar-free
05. Grape 10. Other

Class 08: Marmalades
01. Citrus 03. Vegetable
02. Fruit 04. Other

Class 09: Jams
01. Apricot 07. Grape
02. Berry 08. Peach
03. Blueberry 09. Plum
04. Cherry 10. Pineapple
05. Fig 11. Strawberry
06. Freezer 12. Other

Class 10: Conserves
01. Ambrosia 04. Cranberry
02. Blueberry 05. Strawberry
03. Cherry 06. Other

Class 11: Preserves
01. Apple 07. Peach
02. Apricot 08. Pear
03. Berry 09. Plum
04. Cherry 10. Strawberry
05. Current 11. Tomato
06. Watermelon Rind 12. Other

Class 12: Pickled
01. Asparagus 08. Jardinière
02. Beans 09. Mushrooms
03. Beets 10. Onions
04. Sweet Cucumber 11. Peppers
05. Dill Cucumber 12. Sauerkraut
06. Bread & Butter 13. Zucchini, Any
07. Green Tomato 14. Other

Class 13: Relishes
01. Cucumber 05. Red
02. Corn 06. Tomato
03. Green 07. Zucchini
04. Mixed 08. Other

Class 14: Salsas & Sauces
01. Red Salsa 05. Catsup
02. Green Salsa 06. Barbeque
03. Fruit Salsa 07. Pizza
04. Spaghetti (no meat) 08. Other

Class 15: Dried Vegetables
01. Asparagus 06. Onions
02. Beans 07. Peppers
03. Corn 08. Tomatoes
04. Carrots 09. Zucchini
05. Mushrooms 10. Other

Class 16: Dried Fruits
01. Apples 05. Pineapples
02. Apricots 06. Prunes
03. Banana 07. Raisins
04. Cranberries 08. Other
Class 17: Fruit Leathers
01. Apple 04. Strawberry
02. Peach 05. Mixed
03. Pear 06. Other

Class 18: Dried Herbs
01. Basil 07. Mint, Any
02. Catnip 08. Parsley
03. Dill 09. Oregano
04. Chives 10. Rosemary
05. Cilantro 11. Sage
06. Lavender 12. Other

I know, it's a long list. Sorry about that.

Badge found here.

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