Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The Farmgirl Sisterhood entry on embroidery runs into the same problem as the one on food storage.  It's not challenging for anyone past an outright beginner for one.  Which is fine but a merit badge should push you to become an expert.  And I shouldn't have to buy her book for another.  In addition "vitamin ball" embroidery looks to be anthropomorphic vegetables, cute but it does kind of lock you into a style.  A true merit badge should allow for some personal expression while fulfilling the requirements, so you can have something useful after.

So here we go.


1) Complete a sampler using every stitch listed on the Needle And Thread website.  (Needle and Thread is run by Mary Corbet, an established expert on Ecclesiastical Embroidery and a student of the Royal School of Needlework.)

2) Complete The projects in each of the The Royal School of Needlework's  Essential Guides:  Stumpwork, Blackwork, Silk Shading, Whitework, and Crewelwork.

3)  Complete the Beyond Cross-stitch series level two (silk ribbon embroidery).

3)  Complete a smocking sampler and smock a child's dress.

4)  Complete a chicken-scratch apron.

5)  Using the techniques from 1 & 2 complete at least one pillow and one wall hanging.

6)  Enter all of the above in the county fair.

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